Engineering Research – Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) PhD Studentship
All postgraduate researchers are registered in the University’s Graduate School and housed in the faculty or department that is most appropriate for the project on which they are working. PGRs working on engineering projects are housed in the Department of Engineering.
Advances in engineering are helping to develop the economy, protect our environment and shape the informational society in the 21st century. Our research in engineering is focused on seven core themes, reflecting the interests of the engineering staff. Engineering is closely associated with the Department of Computer Science, which provides the ideal opportunity for research of an interdisciplinary nature. Further information on the Department’s research activities can be found on the research area webpage.
The University particularly welcomes applications for studentships in the project areas outlined below. All PGRs will be supported by a supervisory team with appropriate expertise. Also, see the University’s research repository for further information on the research outputs of each member of staff.
In the first instance please direct all enquiries about proposed projects on topics related to Engineering to the Graduate School with Professor Ray Sheriff, Graduate School Research Degree contact for Engineering.
Research themes
Energy systems
- Energy harvesting
- Fuel cells
- Hybrid technologies
- Net zero
- Renewable energy
Healthcare engineering
- Bio-medical sensors and bio-electronic devices
- Computer-aided clinical monitoring and diagnosis
- Healthcare informatics and data analysis
- Internet of Medical Things and SMART healthcare
Instrumentation and control engineering
- Autonomous systems
- Cooperative control
- Intelligent systems
- Robotics
Power engineering
- Electric and hybrid cars
- High voltage DC and AC transmission and distribution systems
- Microgrids
- Renewable energy and sustainable engineering
- Smart grids
Signals and systems
- Electromagnetism
- Hyperspectral imaging and remote sensing
- Image processing
- Optical theory
- Signal processing
Telecommunications engineering
- Antennas and radio-wave propagation
- Artificial intelligence-enabled networks and cognitive radio
- Beyond 5G and 6G communications
- Green communications
- Internet of things and wireless sensor networks
- Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
- Unmanned aerial vehicles and satellite communications
Mechanical Engineering
- Fibre reinforced composite-metal hybrid materials for automobile.
- Sustainability and recycling of fibre reinforced polymer composites.
- Liquid composite moulding processing optimisation
- Multifunctional Composites