Harrison Ruler
Name: Harrison Ruler
Age: 27
Year of study: 2nd
Course: International Business BSc
Volunteer position: 5k Improvers (coach)
What skills have you gained through volunteering with Campus Sport?
Whilst coaching the 5k improvers I have been able to improve my communication skills by delivering lessons and leading the group. Campus Sport also paid for me to attend a leadership in running course with England Athletics, this has helped boost my confidence and knowledge of running.
What have you enjoyed about your experience?
The best thing about volunteering for Campus Sport is meeting new people and helping them improve throughout the course.
How do you think volunteering will help prepare you for future employment?
Volunteering has helped me balance my workload and social life. Which will help in future employment.
Is there anything we could do differently to give future volunteers an even better experience?
Overall, I have enjoyed my experience as a volunteer and look forward to getting involved again next year.