Weather station
Ormskirk has a weather station that was set up by Edge Hill University’s Geography and Geology Department. Live data from the automatic station, located on the roof of the Geosciences building, is available to view around the clock.
The weather station measures:
- air temperature
- rainfall
- barometric pressure
- relative humidity
It is fitted with a data logger, so it stores the data, and links up to a computer enabling ‘live’ feeds.
View the weather station
The data from the weather station is used in various practical exercises. These include interpreting trends and changes in the different variables using data alongside synoptic charts available from the Met Office. Students have used historical data records (4-5 years old) to investigate longer term variability in weather for dissertation research projects.
Additionally, the Environment Agency uses the rainfall data to assist with flood forecasting and to provide timely flood warnings.
Rainfall, river level and groundwater data across the country, is searched and checked by location or via a map.
Check river and sea levels in England
If you would like more information about this or to report a problem, please contact Senior Lab Technician Karen Halsall