Research in Education Innovation and Scholarship
Led by Professor John Sandars and Professor Jacqueline Leigh
Understanding and developing the professional practice of healthcare professionals using theoretical perspectives, especially self-regulated learning.
Hajiabadi ZZ, Gandomkar R, Sohrabpour AA, Sandars J (2023) Developing low-achieving medical students’ self-regulated learning using a combined learning diary and explicit training intervention, Medical Teacher DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2022.2152664
Gandomkar R, Yazdani K, Fata L, Mehrdad R, Mirzazadeh A, Jalili M, Sandars J
(2020) Using multiple self-regulated learning measures to understand medical students’ biomedical science learning. Medical Education, DOI:10.1111/medu.14079
Green W, Shahzad MW, Wood S, Martinez Martinez M, Baines A, Navid A, Jay R, Whysall Z, Sandars J, Patel R (2020) Improving junior doctor medicine prescribing and patient safety: An intervention using personalised, structured, video‐enhanced feedback and deliberate practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. DOI: /10.1111/bcp.14325
Patel R, Green W, Shahzad MW, Church H, Sandars J (2020). Using a self-regulated learning-enhanced video feedback educational intervention to improve junior doctor prescribing. Medical Teacher. DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1748183
Clinical Skills
Cecilio-Fernandes D, Medina-Ramírez RI, Sandars J, Costa MJ (2023) Self-regulated learning processes across different physiotherapy clinical procedural skills and time intervals: A SRL microanalysis study, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2198096
Medina-Ramírez RI, Álamo-Arce DD, Rodriguez-Castro F, Cecilio-Fernandes D, Sandars J, Costa MJ (2020). Self-regulated learning microanalysis for the study of the performance of clinical examinations by physiotherapy students. BMC medical education. DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02149-7
Clinical performance in challenging situations
Sandars J, Jenkins L, Church H, Patel R, Rumbold J, Maden M, Patel M, Henshaw K, Brown J (2022) Applying sport psychology in health professions education: A systematic review of performance mental skills training. Medical Teacher. DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1966403
Church, H.R., Murdoch-Eaton, D. & Sandars, J. Under- and post-graduate training to manage the acutely unwell patient: a scoping review. BMC Medical Education, DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04119-1
Knight, K. H., Wright, K., Whaley, V., Roberts, D., Monks, R., Borwell, J., Garrow, A., Leigh, J., Kenny, A. & Bailey-McHale, R., 11 May 2023, Learning the rules of the game: how health and social care students learn to learn, In: British Journal of Nursing. 32, 9, p. 404-406
LEIGH, J., Borwell, J., Garrow, A., Kenny, A., Knight, K., MONKS, ROB., Roberts, D., Whaley, V. & Wright, K., (2022) Has the pandemic response entrenched a pathogenic emphasis in education? In: British Journal of Nursing. 31, 20, p. 1066-1067 2 p., 20. doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2022.31.20.1066
How many practice hours are required to become a registered nurse? Garrow, A., Roberts, D., Kenny, A., LEIGH, JACQUELINE., Borwell, J., Knight, K., Whaley, V., MONKS, ROB. & Wright, K. M., 12 Oct 2022, In: British Journal of Nursing. 31, 17, p. 908 2 p., 17.https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2022.31.17.908
Darvill, A., Stephens, M. & Leigh, JA., 2 Dec 2021, 2nd ed. Transition to nursing practice : from student to registered nurse, London , Sage Publications.
Leigh, JA. & Warburton, T., 2 Dec 2021, Learning theory for personal and professional development, p. 99-118. Darvill, A., Stephens, M. & Leigh, JA., 2 Dec 2021, 2nd ed. Transition to nursing practice : from student to registered nurse, London , Sage Publications
Leigh, JA. & Chadwick, AL., 2 Dec 2021, Identifying and developing clinical leadership in relation to transition, p. 119-135 17. In Darvill, A., Stephens, M. & Leigh, JA., 2 Dec 2021, 2nd ed. Transition to nursing practice : from student to registered nurse, London , Sage Publications
Stephens, M., Vasilica, CM., Davis, D., Darvill, A., Leigh, JA. & Priestley, C., 2 Dec 2021, Contemporary issues and trends in nursing, p. 194-216 23. In Darvill, A., Stephens, M. & Leigh, JA., 2 Dec 2021, 2nd ed. Transition to nursing practice : from student to registered nurse, London , Sage Publications
Gloster, AS. & Leigh, JA., 11 Feb 2021, The knowledge and skills required of advanced level practitioners for accreditation and safe practice In: British Journal of Nursing. 30, 3, p. 168-171 4
Understanding and supporting the development of health professional educators
Carvalho ER, Sandars J, Cecilio-Fernandes D. (2023) Lessons learned from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil on primary-care workplace learning groups. Journal of Research in Nursing. DOI: 10.1177/17449871231159596
Salajegheh M, Sandars J, Norouzi A, Mirzazadeh A, Gandomkar R (2020). Psychometric evaluation of a questionnaire to evaluate organizational capacity development for faculty development programs. Journal of Education and Health Promotion. DOI: 0.4103/jehp.jehp_292_20
Salajegheh, M., Gandomkar, R., Mirzazadeh, A. Sandars J. (2020) Identification of capacity development indicators for faculty development programs: A nominal group technique study. BMC Medical Education DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02068-7
Valuing the role of educators in practice : Greater Manchester’s framework Williams, C., Leigh, JA., Burns, D., Halse, J., Haydri, S., Collins, S., Mcmanus, E., Grundy, J., Sutcliffe, K., Bowler, H. & Le Blanc, C., 10 Feb 2022, In: British Journal of Nursing. 31, 3, p. 174-175 2 p.
Leigh, JA. & Roberts, D. (eds.). (2021) Supervising and assessing student nurses and midwives in clinical practice: a practical guide, London, Lantern Publishing Limited,
Leigh, JA., (2021) The future of practice learning, p. 61-88 In Supervising and assessing student nurses and midwives in clinical practice : a practical guide. Leigh, JA. & Roberts, D. (eds.). Lantern Publishing Limited
Williams, C., Leigh, J., Burns, D., Halse, J., Haydri, S., Collins, S., McManus, E., Grundy, J., Sutcliffe, K., Bowler, H., Asuru, S. & Le Blanc, C., (2022) Valuing the role of educators in practice: Greater Manchester’s framework (British Journal of Nursing, 31:3 (174-175) DOI: 10.12968/bjon.2022.31.3.174)
Leigh, JA., Anderson, K., Medcalf, A., Surtees, A. & Sutton, W., 28 Feb 2021, Using coaching conversations and coaching models to promote effective supervision and assessment. In:Supervising and assessing student nurses and midwives in clinical practice: a practical guide. Leigh, JA. & Roberts, D. (eds.). Lantern Publishing Limited, p. 61-88 28 p.
Borwell, J. & Leigh, JA., 14 Oct 2021, Addressing the practice learning and placement capacity conundrum, British Journal of Nursing. 30, 18, p. 1093 doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2021.30.18.1093
O’Carroll, V., Owens, M., Sy, M., El-Awaisi, A., Xyrichis, A., Leigh, JA., Nagraj, S., Huber, M., Hutchings, M. & McFadyen, A., 4 May 2021, Top tips for interprofessional education and collaborative practice research : a guide for students and early career researchers In: Journal of Interprofessional Care. 35, 3, p. 328-333 6 doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2020.1777092
Understanding and supporting the development of health professionals by the use of technology
Zhang D, Xiao L, Duan J, Chang X, Walsh K, Sandars J, Brown J, Dang X, Shen W, Du J, Cao Y (2022) Understanding online self-directed learning using point of care information systems (POCIS): A plot study using a capability approach perspective, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2022.2100251
Zarei A, Mojtahedzadeh R, Mohammadi A, Sandars J, Emami SAH (2021) Applying digital storytelling in the medical oncology curriculum: Effects on students’ achievement and critical thinking. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, DOI:10.1016/j.amsu.2021.102528
Sato T, Sandars J, Brown J, Rogers SN. (2020) Usefulness of smart glasses and point of view for suturing skills training in medical students: pilot study. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. DOI: 10.1136/bmjstel-2020-000669.
Applied Research and Evaluation
Led by Professor Jeremy Brown and Professor Axel Kaehne
Jeremy Brown, Liam Jenkins, John Sandars, Julie Bridson, Mumtaz Patel (2023) Evaluation of the Impact of the Workshop ‘EQiT – Embedding Compassionate, Courageous, Cross-cultural Conversations into Training’ General Medical Council
Tyler Warburton, Jeremy Brown, John Sandars (2022) The use of LEGO ® SERIOUS PLAY® within nurse education: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today. 118, 105528.
Silverio, S., Wallace, H., Gauntlett, W., Berwick, R., Mercer, S., Morton, B., Rogers, S., Sandars, J., Groom, P. Brown JM. (2021) Becoming the temporary surgeon: A grounded theory examination of anaesthetists performing emergency front of neck access in inter-disciplinary simulation-based training. PLOS ONE 16 (4): e0251285.
Kenny, A., Dickson-Swift, V., McKenna, L., Charette, M., Rush, KL., Stacy, G., Darvill, A., Leigh, JA., Burton, R. & Phillips, C., 1 May 2021, Interventions to support graduate nurse transition to practice and associated outcomes : a systematic review. In Nurse Education Today. 100, 104860.
Sergio A. Silverio, Kaat De Backer, Jeremy M. Brown, Abigail Easter, Nina Khazaezadeh, Daghni Rajasingam, Jane Sandall, Laura A. Magee (2023) Reflective, pragmatic, and reactive decision-making by maternity service providers during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic health system shock: A qualitative, grounded theory analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (in press)
Kaat De Backer, Jeremy M. Brown, Abigail Easter, Nina Khazaezadeh, Daghni Rajasingam, Jane Sandall, Laura A. Magee1, Sergio A. Silverio (2022) Precarity and preparedness during the SARS‐CoV ‐2 pandemic: A qualitative service evaluation of maternity healthcare professionals. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 101 (11): 1227-1237.