Early career teachers: primary and early years
Please explore the resources on this page:
Statutory framework for the early year foundation degreePrimary national curriculumDevelopment mattersBirth to five mattersMaths
Recommended websites
- Research review series: mathematics
- Maths Hubs
- nrich
- Mathematical Association
- Association of Teachers of Mathematics
- Parallel by Simon Singh
- Stanford youcubed
- Mathematical Association Primary Mathematics Challenge
- STEM Learning
- National Numeracy
- UK Maths Trust
- NRICH – Events for Teachers and Students
- Early Years Educator
- Coordinating mathematical success: the mathematics subject report
Recommended books
- Mathematics explained for primary teachers by Derek Haylock with Ralph Manning (6th edition)
- Understanding and teaching primary mathematics by Tony Cotton
- Children’s errors in mathematics by Alice Hansen
National Numeracy’s Family Maths Toolkit
Access the National Numeracy’s Family Maths Toolkit.
The Family Maths toolkit is a free resource that you can share with your primary education students. The resource can be used in the classroom to help develop maths confidence amongst children.
The activity packs are available for all year groups from Reception to Year 6. The set includes short, fun activities for children and families to do together, exploring maths in creative ways and real-life contexts. The activities support the maths curriculum and are a great way to engage parents in their children’s maths learning, as they’re designed for children to complete at home with their families.
Alongside the primary school year group packs, the full set also includes activities for EYFS to KS4 around building positive mindsets – and some top tips to share with parents and carers too.
To download the full set of resources, sign up on National Numeracy’s website.
Parental engagement plays a large and positive role in children’s learning, and many schools have successfully used these resources to engage parents and carers in supporting their children’s maths learning. In a recent project, 100% of teachers said they would recommend the Family Maths activities to another school.
Are you a primary or secondary teacher in your first or second year of teaching?
Two new Maths Hubs professional development opportunities are now recruiting, with sessions starting this semester. The projects – Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics – Primary Early Career Teachers and Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics – Secondary Early Career Teachers – are designed especially for teachers in their first or second year of teaching. They provide opportunities for peer-to-peer collaboration with other teachers at the same career stage, while focusing on maths subject knowledge and pedagogy. Get in touch with your local Maths Hub to find out more and sign up.
- Centre for Learning in Primary Education
- UK Literacy Association
- Alphabetic Code Cards
- Reading framework
- English Association
- Systematic Synthetic Phonics Teaching Programme Validation
- Choosing a Phonics teaching programme
- Education Endowment Foundation
- Reach Out CPD
- The Association for Science Education
- The Primary Science Teaching Trust
- The STEM Learning Centre
- Science Sparks
- British Science Week
Primary science research update
OFSTED: Research Review: Science
Resources for schools
- Explorify
- Science and plants for schools
- The Woodland Trust
- Learning through landscapes
- BBC bitesize science
- National Centre for Computing Education– Curriculum resources
- Barefoot Computing– Lesson planning and cross-curricular resources
- Code – Free primary coding and programming resources
- Hello World – Free resources and ideas
- Project Evolve – Resources toolkit for safer online working
- Childnet – Information and guidance on a range of key online safety topics
- Thinkuknow – Safeguarding resources from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.
Design and Technology
- Model Music Curriculum: Key Stages 1 and 2
- OFSTED research review
- Primary Music Toolkit
- BBC Ten Pieces
- Tune Into listening
- Orff Society
- British Kodaly Academy
- Sing for Pleasure
- MERYC England (Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children)
- Musical Futures UK
- Sing up
- KS1 music
- KS2 music
- National Plan for Music Education
- Independent Society of Musicians
Useful books
- Atkinson, R. 2018. Mastering Primary Music. London: Bloomsbury Academic
- Greenhalgh, Z. 2018. Music and Singing in the Early Years: A guide to singing with young children. London: Routledge
- Daubney, A. 2017. Teaching Primary Music. LA: Sage
- Burnard, P. and Murphy, R., 2017. Teaching music creatively. 2nd edn. Oxon: Routledge.
- Cotton, M. 1996. Agogo bells to xylophone: A friendly guide to classroom percussion instruments. London: A & C Black.
- Maddocks, A. and Voices Foundation, 2012. Inside Music: A Music Education Programme for Class Music Teaching (5 – 7). The Voices Foundation: London.
- Maddocks, A. and Voices Foundation, 2014. Inside Music: A Music Education Programme for Class Music Teaching (7 – 11). The Voices Foundation: London.
- Minto, D. 2009. Games, ideas and activities for primary music. Harlow: Person Education Ltd.
- Pope, D., 2019. Understanding Subject Knowledge for Primary Teaching. Chapter 6. Los Angeles: SAGE
Music Twitter feeds
- @AllyDaubney
- @N8Holder
- @GarySpruce1
- @Johnfinney8
- @DrFautley
- @RuthAtkinsonUoP
- @DrLizStafford
- @SueYoung351
- @jjpjlp
- @akapaulineblack
- @zoeviola
- @tallgirlwgc
Physical Development
- Fine motor skills
- Gross motor skills
- Activematters
- Earlymovers
- Early years educator
- Active for life
- Research review series: PE
Useful readings
Duncombe, R. (ed.) (2019) The physical development needs of young children. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Goodway, J. D., Ozmun, J. C. and Gallahue, D. L. (2021) Understanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adults. 8th edn. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
O’Connor, A. (2016) Understanding physical development in the early years. Taylor and Francis.
Daniel D. Bingham; Silvia Costa; Trina Hinkley; Katy A. Shire; Stacy A. Clemes; Sally E. Barber (2016) Physical Activity During the Early Years: A Systematic Review of Correlates and Determinants. American Journal of Preventative Medicine.
Physical Activity During the Early Years: A Systematic Review of Correlates and Determinants
Art and Design
- Research review series: art and design
- National Society for Education in Art and Design
- ArtUK
- Teaching and learning resources
- Liverpool Museums
- National Gallery of Ireland
- Arts Council
- Primary Schools
Primary Geography
Useful readings:
- DIGIMAP FOR SCHOOLS, 2016. Progression in mapping
- OFSTED, 2021. Research review series: geography
- OFSTED, 2023. Geography subject insights for primary and secondary teachers and leaders.
- OWENS, P., 2022. Teaching map skills to inspire a sense of place and adventure in the early years. Southampton: Ordnance Survey.
- OWENS, P., 2021. Teaching map skills to inspire a sense of place and adventure. Southampton: Ordnance Survey
- THE GEOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. 2022. A Framework for the School Geography Curriculum.
Useful readings:
- Cooper, H. (2017) History 5-11. London. Routledge.
- Doull, K. Russell, C. and Hales, A. (2019) Mastering Primary History. London. Bloomsbury
- Russell, C. (2016) Essential Primary History. McGraw Hill Education, London
- Russell, C. In Webster, M. and Misra, S. (2015) Teaching the Primary Foundation Subjects. Oxford. OUP
Primary Language
- Research review series: languages
- The Association for Language Learners
- Primary languages teaching resources
- Schemes to support language learning and teaching in primary.