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BA (Hons) Education and Religion course preparation

To help you feel prepared for your BA (Hons) Education and Religion studies, we’ve gathered together a range of course related activities including suggested reading, useful websites and some great things to do right now. Read on to find out more:

Suggested reading

You’ll be given lots of information about which textbooks to read and introduced to the University Library, as well as the many ebooks we have for you to access, when you begin your studies in September.

In the meantime, you might like to begin your reading before starting your degree. We don’t recommend rushing out to buy texts before you arrive. But if you can pick some up second hand, borrow from a library or access online, we recommend the three books below. These are core textbooks and it would be beneficial for you to have your own copies of them and to have read the opening chapters of each:

  • Introduction to Education Studies – 5th Edition, by Steve Bartlett & Diana Burton. London, Sage
  • Sociology of Education, by Tomas Boronski and Nasima Hassan. London, Sage
  • The Study of Religion: an Introduction to Key Ideas and Methods, by George Chryssides and Ron Greaves. 2014. London, Bloomsbury

Additionally, the following books would be useful for education:

  • An Introduction to the Study of Education, by David Matheson. 2015. London, Routledge
  • Understanding and using challenging education theories, by Karl Aubrey and Alison Riley. London, Sage

And the following for Religion:

  • Introduction to Religious Studies, by Paul Myhre. 2009. St Mary’s Press
  • Get set for religious studies, by Dominic Corrywright and Peggy Morgan. Edinburgh University Press.

Useful websites

To prepare for this course, you should keep up to date with education news in the mainstream media. The most popular and frequently updated sources are:

Your preparation tasks

We’ve created a selection of tasks which will help you to prepare for your course. We recommend that you keep your responses and notes together in a portfolio of pre-course work as they may well come in useful in the future.

Task 1. Educational processes in religion
Task 2. Engage with debates
Task 3. Inclusion and diversity

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